
This routine contains the initial processing steps for all the WFC3 UVIS channel data. These steps are:

  • DQICORR - initializing the data quality array
  • ATODCORR - perform the a to d conversion correction
  • BLEVCORR - subtract the bias level from the overscan region
  • BIASCORR - subtract the bias image
  • FLSHCORR - subtract the post-flash image

wf3ccd first subtracts the bias and trims the overscan regions from the image. If an associated set of UVIS CR-SPLIT or REPEAT-OBS images is being processed, all of the overscan-trimmed images are sent through wf3rej to be combined and receive cosmic-ray rejection. The resulting combined image then receives final calibration with wf32d, which includes dark subtraction and flat-fielding. If there are multiple sets of CR-SPLIT or REPEAT-OBS images in an association, each set goes through the cycle of wf3ccd, wf3rej and wf32d processing.

If BLEVCORR is performed the output contains the overcan-trimmed region.

Only those steps with a switch value of PERFORM in the input files will be executed, after which the switch will be set to COMPLETE in the corresponding output files.

Running wf3ccd from a python terminal

In Python without TEAL:

>>> from wfc3tools import wf3ccd
>>> wf3ccd(filename)

In Python with TEAL:

>>> from import teal
>>> from wfc3tools import wf3ccd
>>> teal.teal('wf3ccd')

In Pyraf:

>>> import wfc3tools
>>> epar wf3ccd

Displaying output from wf3ccd in a Jupyter Notebook

When calling wf3ccd from a Jupyter notebook, informational text output from the underlying wf3ccd.e program will be passed through print as the calibration runs by default, and show up in the user’s cell. This behavior can be customized by passing your own function as the log_func keyword argument to wf3ccd. As output is read from the underlying program, the wf3ccd Python wrapper will call log_func with the contents of each line. (print is an obvious choice for a log function, but this also provides a way to connect wf3ccd to the Python logging system by passing the logging.debug function or similar.)

If log_func=None is passed, informational text output from the underlying program will be ignored, but the program’s exit code will still be checked for successful completion.


input : str

Name of input files

  • a single filename (iaa012wdq_raw.fits)
  • a Python list of filenames
  • a partial filename with wildcards (\*raw.fits)
  • filename of an ASN table (\*asn.fits)
  • an at-file (@input)
output: str
Name of the output FITS file.
dqicorr: str, “PERFORM/OMIT”, optional
Update the dq array from bad pixel table
atodcorr: str, “PERFORM/OMIT”, optional
Analog to digital correction
blevcorr: str, “PERFORM/OMIT”, optional
Subtract bias from overscan regions
biascorr: str, “PERFORM/OMIT”, optional
Subtract bias image
flashcorr: str, “PERFORM/OMIT”, optional
Subtract post-flash image
verbose: bool, optional
Print verbose time stamps?
quiet: bool, optional
Print messages only to trailer file?

The wf3ccd function can also be called directly from the OS command line:

>>> wf32ccd.e input output [-options]

Where the OS options include:

  • -v: verbose
  • -f: print time stamps
  • -dqi: udpate the DQ array
  • -atod: perform gain correction
  • -blev: subtract bias from overscan
  • -bias: perform bias correction
  • -flash: remove post-flash image