Source code for wfc3tools.sampinfo

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

# get the auto update version for the call to  help
from .version import __version__, __version_date__

from import fits
import os
import numpy as np

from import parseinput
from import teal

__taskname__ = "sampinfo"

[docs]def sampinfo(imagelist, add_keys=None, mean=False, median=False): """ Print information for each sample in the image. Parameters ---------- imagelist: list The input can be a single image or list of images add_keys: list A list of of additional keys for printing mean: bool print the mean statistic median: bool print the median statistic """ datamin = False datamax = False imlist = parseinput.parseinput(imagelist) # the default list of keys to print, regardless of detector type ir_list = ["SAMPTIME", "DELTATIM"] if add_keys: ir_list += add_keys # measure the min and max data if (mean): if (add_keys): if ("DATAMIN" not in add_keys): ir_list += ["DATAMIN"] if ("DATAMAX" not in add_keys): ir_list += ["DATAMAX"] else: ir_list += ["DATAMIN", "DATAMAX"] for image in imlist[0]: current = header0 = current[0].header nextend = header0["NEXTEND"] try: nsamp = header0["NSAMP"] except KeyError as e: print(str(e)) print("Task good for IR data only") break exptime = header0["EXPTIME"] samp_seq = header0["SAMP_SEQ"] print("IMAGE\t\t\tNEXTEND\tSAMP_SEQ\tNSAMP\tEXPTIME") print("%s\t%d\t%s\t\t%d\t%f\n" % (image, nextend, samp_seq, nsamp, exptime)) printline = "IMSET\tSAMPNUM" for key in ir_list: printline += ("\t"+key) print(printline) # loop through all the samples for the image and print stuff as we go for samp in range(1, nsamp+1, 1): printline = "" printline += str(samp) printline += ("\t"+str(nsamp-samp)) for key in ir_list: if "DATAMIN" in key: datamin = True dataminval = np.min(current["SCI", samp].data) if "DATAMAX" in key: datamax = True datamaxval = np.min(current["SCI", samp].data) try: printline += ("\t"+str(current["SCI", samp].header[key])) except KeyError: try: printline += ("\t"+str(current[0].header[key])) except KeyError as e: printline += ("\tNA") if (datamin and datamax): printline += ("\tAvgPixel: "+str((dataminval+datamaxval)/2.)) if (median): printline += ("\tMedPixel: "+str(np.median(current["SCI", samp].data))) print(printline) current.close()
[docs]def getHelpAsString(docstring=False): """ Returns documentation on the 'sampinfo' function. return useful help from a file in the script directory called """ install_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) helpfile = os.path.join(install_dir, __taskname__ + '.help') if docstring or (not docstring): helpString = ' '.join([__taskname__, 'Version', __version__, ' updated on ', __version_date__]) + '\n\n' if os.path.exists(helpfile): helpString += teal.getHelpFileAsString(__taskname__, __file__) return helpString
[docs]def help(): print(getHelpAsString(docstring=True))
sampinfo.__doc__ = getHelpAsString(docstring=True)